
Tyulpinov Alexander.  Graduated  of the University of Culture and Art with qualification manager of choreographic group, choreographer and dance teacher.

Work experience:

France, Paris  (Hotel “Campanile” from December-January 2004)- as a  dancer in a show program
China, Shanghai (Cars’ exhibition in June 2006)- dance teacher and  soloist -dancers,
 Turkey (Club hotel “Alibey” from February-April 2004) as choreographer, dance teacher and soloist-dancer.
Hotel (“Venecia palace” September-October 2005,in June 2006) dance teacher (Latina, Belly dance and Hip hop) soloist dancer and gymnastic coach

Hotel (“Phaselise Rose” from April-November 2006)- dance teacher,  rhythmic gymnastics coach, choreographer (created Dance Mix show, Latina show, and Musical high lights) and soloist-dancer.

China, Beijing (Amusement park April-August 2007) as a dancer in a show program and dance teacher.

China, Guangzhou (Chime Long Co Ltd Chime Long International circus and dance theatre August 2007- March 2008) -soloist-dancer and dance teacher.

Taiwan, Hengchun (International Culture Co Ltd  March 2008 till the 1 of August),  hotel “Yoho” – dance instructor (Latina and Belly dance) and dancer in a show program.

Japan, Tokyo, Osaka, Fukushima, Nagoya, Niigata, Kumamoto, Fukuoka and many other big cities in (“Japanese circus” and Amusement parks June 2001-2003) as acrobat trick rider and as a soloist dancer.

dance program or circus program